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Episode 21 – New Ways to Pay for Long-Term Health Care

When it comes to planning for long-term care, your health is just as important as your wealth in helping you qualify.

In this episode, Barry Watts discusses new ways to pay for long-term care, and the importance of planning for long-term care before it is too late! Barry shares the options available to you and gives some examples to help you better understand what those options really mean! 

You will learn: 

  • How you can qualify for long-term care 
  • How Medicaid plays into the long-term care conversation
  • Ways in which you can start planning for long-term care now to help you when you need it 
  • Why people tend to shy away from long-term care insurance  
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn why long-term care is ultimately going to be inevitable and what you should be doing now to help you later! 

Resources: SavingYouTaxes.com | J. Barry Watts |